
The Barefoot Author

Walking Gently Where This World and Imagination Meet

Making bad writing better.

Published by Tesi under on Sunday, September 05, 2010

"Swimming in a golden bath of its own making, the sun painted long shadows across the sandy surface of the plateau."

This was the first line of my novel-in-progress, until very recently. Now, the first line is:

"People will die tonight."

I believe this constitutes an improvement. If nothing else, you now want to read the second sentence, instead of curling up for a nap. Right?

(You can just smile and nod, if you like. Or pat me on the shoulder and say, "Of course, dear." I'm probably too sleepy to notice anyway.)



Anonymous said... @ September 5, 2010 at 8:21 AM

Definitely a better hook. Makes me want to read more. Who is gonna die?

Elias St.Septum said... @ September 5, 2010 at 9:22 AM

Hey, my favorite first line in all of fiction is "someone had been fucking with the pigeons", so......

Tesi said... @ September 6, 2010 at 1:58 PM

LOL Elias. What's that from?

Mom--If you're not a blogspot member, I think the comment automatically shows up as "anonymous", but you can sign it (as you did). Not SURE, but I think that's the case. Unless you have a google or yahoo account? You should be able to select either of those if you do.

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