
The Barefoot Author

Walking Gently Where This World and Imagination Meet

Beauty from Another

Published by Tesi under on Friday, July 23, 2010
Today's piece is by a good friend of mine. It's too beautiful not to share. To read more of his stuff, please go to his blog: http://port-evenus.com/

Ancient doors throw wide so easily
While faithful apathy falls at my feet
Did I bring three brothers atop an olive mountain
Just to dispense a promise I couldn’t keep?
Seeking the whispered word of Hope
Crawling razor-torn across hallowed ground
Begging just a taste of water from a prophet
Maybe I’ll get it right
Next time around.
Life is beauty built from chaos:
Balancing twelve spinning plates.
You’ll either die in the wreckage,
Or be applauded something great.
But I’m still learning about us,
Still scraping the ash from our wings.
And I wonder, To get the things we really want,
Will we kill the things we need?
Throw a noose around my fear of retribution,
Repel twilight’s unwanted company,
Then drift them gently in the wind
From the bough of the withered willow tree.
I must be reaching for the troubled pool,
Head and heart in dissonance.
Which of us will first walk this highway
Flowing further from another chance?
You’re still learning how to love --
I’m just learning how to cry alone.
Faith is not the words that we say:
It’s how we choose to respond.

copyright 2010 BPltd


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